3 August 2019 - Posted by Monsour Law Firm
Transvaginal mesh is a medical device physicians implant to strengthen a weakened vaginal wall, urethra or bladder. It’s a net-like substance similar to what doctors use to repair herneas or other prolapses.
UCLA Health says Pelvic Organ Prolapse is one of the most common reasons women have surgery. Childbirth and aging both put stress on the pelvic floor. As the uterus or bladder moves out of its original position, it can cause an uncomfortable feeling of bulging or pressure in areas no woman wants to feel anything of the sort.
Giving birth and getting older can also cause stress urinary incontinence. Weakened, stretched, strained muscles aren’t strong enough to keep urine from leaking when the individual sneezes, laughs or moves suddenly.
Physicians address both stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in a number of ways. Your doctor might have chosen to use transvaginal mesh to reinforce weakened muscles.
Transvaginal mesh manufacturers produced a wide range of synthetic and biologic mesh and marketed pre-packaged products and kits. It was supposed to be a safe and easy solution, but for thousands of women, that wasn’t the case.
Sometimes mesh shrinks and becomes encased in scar tissue. In other cases, mesh erodes into surrounding areas. UCLA professor of urology and pelvic reconstruction Shlomo Raz also describes a “lupus-type” reaction where the body rejects the mesh and has an ongoing immunological response.
Worldwide, between three and four million women have chosen vaginal mesh implants for stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Around five percent of those experience complications. Some of the symptoms they report are as follows:
In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration released a report suggesting that transvaginal mesh may not be worth the risk. Their communication said the most frequent problems were infection, pain, urinary problems, scarring and a recurrence of the prolapse or incontinence that prompted surgery in the first place.
If you experience transvaginal mesh complications, your only option may be surgery to remove it. Usually, that’s a complicated procedure requiring experienced surgeons. During surgery, doctors remove as much of the mesh as they can and repair the surrounding area. Sometimes women need additional surgeries to repair the original issue.
Transvaginal mesh is meant to be permanent. If you’re experiencing symptoms, talk to your doctor about your best options.
So far more than 100,000 women have filed lawsuits alleging their transvaginal mesh caused complications. One of the largest settlements was $830 million for 20,000 cases. Many are still pending.
If you’re experiencing transvaginal mesh complications, you deserve compensation for what you’re going through. Schedule your free, no-obligation and completely confidential consultation today.
Douglas C. Monsour, or Doug Monsour, is a trial lawyer who handles important and significant injury cases in Texas and across the nation. He is one of a handful of trial lawyers who have successfully tried multiple pharmaceutical, medical device, and mass tort product liability cases as the lead lawyer. He also vigorously represents injured oil field workers, victims of 18-wheeler wrecks, industrial accident victims, and those that have been severely burned.
This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, Doug Monsour who has more than 20 years of legal experience as a personal injury attorney.
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